world military ranking 2023

The Global Firepower Index is a ranking of all countries’ military forces around the world. The ‘PowerIndex-score’ is calculated using 50 indices, ranging from weapon numbers to weapon diversity and natural resources, as well as available industries to the workforce, financial stability, logistical capability, and location.

The United States is ranked first in the Global Firepower Index for 2023, followed by Russia, China, and India.

The Global Indices & India’s Ranking in the same for the year 2023 can also be found in the linked article for IAS aspirants.

From the perspective of the UPSC exam, reports and indexes such as the Global Firepower are crucial. Candidates must read the military power index and its important results, which are explained in more detail in the article below.

Firepower Report – Top 10 Countries

Here is the list of the top 10 countries on Global Power Index 2022:

Position Country Score
1 United States 0.0453
2 Russia 0.0501
3 China 0.0511
4 India 0.0979
5 Japan 0.1195
6 South Korea 0.1261
7 France 0.1283
8 United Kingdom 0.1382
9 Pakistan 0.1572
10 Brazil 0.1695

The Perfect 0.000 Score

A perfect score of 0.000 on the Global Power Index has yet to be achieved by any country. Even if only on paper, the lower the score value, the more powerful the combat capabilities. Nuclear capabilities are not included in the GPI. The ranking is based solely on traditional competencies.

Making Amends to Balance Variables

The United States dominated GPI 2022, with China and Russia vying for second place and India catching up. GPI 2022 analyzed the militaries of 140 countries and ranked them based on a set of 30 variables, including military force, financials, and logistics. The index takes into account factors including military size and capability.

It allows smaller countries with more technologically advanced forces to compete with larger but less developed militaries of larger countries by providing particular benefits and punishments.

Competing with Pakistan

India’s military ranks fourth out of 140 countries on the GPI. Pakistan, India’s subcontinent adversary, was placed No. 9, moving up from No. 13 the previous year to enter the top ten for the first time. India remained in fourth place. In 2021, Pakistan slipped into the top 15. Legacy powers such as the United Kingdom, France, Japan, and Germany are also in the top ten. Pakistan’s ally Turkey plays a role.

The ‘Dragon’ and the ‘Elephant’

Over the last decade, China, India’s “enemy in the north,” has been sneaking up on Russia and India. It has already surpassed the United States in terms of economic size and is on track to surpass it in terms of military strength and capabilities.


The Global Firepower Index takes into account each country’s defense spending. China’s defense spending, for example, is three times that of India. GPI values are based in part on the CIA World Factbook. All figures are expressed in US $.

In the GPI of 2022, India will face a number of formidable contenders. We also have a number of internal issues to address in order to improve our ranking in future index updates. India, on the other hand, has the potential to lead in the GPIs in the future, thanks to its continuous defense spending, a motivated military, and a focused commitment to improvement.

Aspirants can read more about the upcoming government examinations in the linked article, which include current affairs and general awareness as a major topic on the syllabus.

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