Myths and Facts About Sex!

5 Myths and Facts About Sex!

There is a lot of false information out there, especially on the internet. As a result, everything you read on the internet might not be accurate. Sex is a taboo subject, which has resulted in the spread of several false rumors and unpleasant falsehoods. Don’t trust every piece of information you find on the internet; they all contain flaws. But wait, there’s more! You need to know the truth about everything, and this essay aims to provide such information.

Here are a few embarrassing myths and facts about sex which you may come across:

1. Myth: You do not get pregnant the first time you have sex

Fact: After having penetrative sex, you can become pregnant at any time. When it comes to getting pregnant, there is no set date or time. The likelihood of pregnancy increases the instant you have penetrative sex, especially if you don’t take any precautions.

2. Myth: Men think and want more of it as compared to women.

Fact: This is not true. The desire for intimacy and sex varies among individuals, irrespective of the gender.

3. Myth: Having sex in a pool drastically reduces the chances of contracting any STD.

Fact: The majority of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are contracted through sexual contact or unprotected sexual activity. Having sex in a pool with someone who is already afflicted with an STD increases your chances of catching the STD. Any STD cannot be prevented by drinking water.

4. Myth: Douching after indulging in sexual intercourse can prevent a pregnancy.

Fact: Douching isn’t a good way to avoid getting pregnant. And it’s past time for this myth to be debunked. Douching with soda, water, or any other fluid will only result in genital infections and nothing else. This is because douching upsets the natural equilibrium of vaginal flora, causing the vaginal pH to fluctuate. If you’ve had unprotected sexual intercourse, the only option to avoid pregnancy is to use protection or birth control pills.

5. Myth: It isn’t possible to contract STDs if you just have oral sex.

While it is true that the majority of STDs are transmitted through unprotected vaginal intercourse, other STDs may not be transmitted solely through vaginal penetration. Even if you only have unprotected oral intercourse, STDs like HPV, Herpes, and Syphilis can spread. So, even if you want to enjoy oral sex, don’t forget to protect yourself. Dental dams are constantly available, and utilizing them may help to reduce the incidence of STDs. You can contact a sexologist if you want to talk about a specific issue.

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