Social events for singles over 50 near me

When I got back into dating, I started thinking about where I could meet singles. Of course, the first thing that came to mind and was offered to me was online dating. Daisy, my partner, was introduced to me there, which was fortunate for me.

But before that, I was compiling a list of all the other sites where I could meet women over fifty. That’s thanks to my marketing expertise, where you never rely on one strategy or one medium to find customers.

You begin by creating a profile of your ideal customer—in this case, my perfect partner—and then determining where they are. Finally, you make every effort to contact them.

There’s one more thing to consider before we get to the list of places to meet singles of the opposite sex.

Men and women tend to hang out in distinct settings, according to an article on

What the Women Over 50 are Doing:

  • Doing arts and crafts
  • Dancing
  • Taking educational classes (languages, etc.)
  • Participating in book clubs
  • Going on shopping trips
  • Playing bingo
  • Gardening and flower-arranging

What the Men Over 50 Are doing:

  • Going on trips to sporting events
  • Playing billiards and ping pong
  • Golfing and fishing

So, males, try mixing it up a little and doing some of the things that women enjoy. They’re already doing more than we are, according to the list above!

Always put your own interests first. If you don’t go to church, don’t try to meet a woman there. You’ll come across as untrustworthy. When you’re looking for compatible people, it’s also more difficult to find them when their interests aren’t at least partially linked with yours.

10 Places Where You Can Meet Singles Over 50

With that in mind, here’s a list of 10 things to help you broaden your social horizons and boost your chances of finding true love, outside from online dating. Have fun and be daring!

1. Meetups

You just meet together in person with folks who share a common interest, as the name implies. is one website that helps with this. Here are two meetups for singles over 50, for example.

Meetups for Singles Over 50 and Singles 50 & Over

Check out the Related Topics (red arrow) to uncover even more singles over sixty or any other interest groups. can help you find meetups in your area of interest.

2. Do Volunteer Work

Wherever you reside and whatever your hobbies are, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer. Look into local libraries, SCORE, churches, the PTA, and other such organizations.

3. Take an extended trip

This is pure adventure. Travel somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. Take the “blue highways” and be open to whatever comes your way.

4. Find a travel group for mature singles

For senior singles, there are numerous travel groups to choose from. Groups can be found depending on travel destinations, sports, cultural activities, and educational excursions. Choose the one that appeals to you the most.

5. Go Dancing

Do a Google search for places to dance near you. You’ll find good dance venues at night clubs, restaurants, dance clubs, and special events.

6. Take a Dance Class

If you don’t know how to dance, take a class. You’ll learn, you’ll get some exercise, and you’ll meet interesting people.

7. Go on Cruises

There are singles cruises available that cater to various age groups. Take an extended cruise around the world or a river cruise on the European rivers.

8. Attend a school or college

Take a college course in a subject that you’re interested in. Learn a new technology, such as computers or a foreign language. You can learn about anything you want. In any given college course, especially at your local community college, it’s normal to encounter a large number of seniors.

9. Car, Boat, or Airshows

These can be huge events with lots of social activities. If you’re into cars, boats, or planes, you’ll meet tons of like-minded people

10. Bookstores

Bookstores have author signings and other special events that are good opportunities to mingle.

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