Risks & Rewards Of Investing In Bitcoin

Risks & Rewards Of Investing: In Bitcoin: Bitcoin, it seems, is everywhere. It’s in the news. It’s on phones. It’s even available at ATMs across the globe. Its fast rate of growth and adoption are attracting a lot of attention.  And like any interesting, fast-growing business, it is attracting the interest of investors. All of … Read more

What Is Bitcoin Unlimited?

What Is Bitcoin Unlimited? There is always so much happening around digital currencies, especially bitcoin. A new term, ‘Bitcoin Unlimited’, has been floating around for some time now. So what exactly is Bitcoin Unlimited? Will it result in a hard fork (forced splitting off of the currency)?  The issue revolves around the size of the … Read more

What is Bitcoin Mining?

What is Bitcoin Mining? Hey there. Welcome to Bitcoinometrics. Today, we wish to take a closer look at what we titled ”what is bitcoin mining?” The reason is that a lot of persons are still puzzled about the existence of bitcoin. Do you wish to read or know how bitcoin works, if your answer is … Read more

How Bitcoin Works | How does Bitcoin work?

How Bitcoin Works: How exactly to interpret bitcoin is a matter of controversy – as a currency, a store of value, a payment network, an asset class? Fortunately, leaving the economic debates aside, it’s pretty easy to answer what bitcoin actually is – software. Don’t be fooled by stock images of shiny coins bearing modified … Read more

How Does Bitcoin Mining Work?

How Does Bitcoin Mining Work? Looking for how bitcoin mining works? If yes, we’ll be showing you in this post how bitcoin mining works. Just follow me as a take you through the process.  Cryptocurrency mining is painstaking, expensive, and only sporadically rewarding. Nonetheless, mining has a magnetic draw for many investors interested in cryptocurrency.  … Read more

Do Bitcoin Mining Energy Costs Influence Its Price?

Do Bitcoin Mining Energy Costs Influence Its Price? Several recent reports have drawn attention to the massive amounts of energy used for bitcoin mining operations. The statistics are staggering. According to the Digiconomist website, a bitcoin country would rank 64th in the world for overall energy usage.  Bitcoin’s annual energy consumption is estimated to be … Read more