How to see all your Pokes on Facebook – View facebook pokes

How to see all your Pokes on Facebook – View facebook pokes: What happened to the once-popular Facebook “pokes”?  Are people still using this Facebook feature?  These are questions that come to mind when you look back on those days when notifications like “Sunday poked you” comes up on your notification.  In this article, we … Read more

Who poked me on Facebook

Who poked me on Facebook – Poking on Facebook is a friendly way of drawing attention, a poke symbolizes friendliness and fun. People can poke their friends or friends of friends on Facebook. When you poke someone, they’ll get a notification. To poke someone: 1. Go to their profile. 2. Click (…) on their cover … Read more

How do I Unpoke Someone on Facebook?

How do I Unpoke Someone on Facebook? A “poke” on the social networking website; Facebook is used to draw the attention of another user– there are no set guidelines about how pokes can be used.  Notwithstanding, they can be used as basic tips, as friendly greetings, and for numerous other functions.  Facebook pals who have … Read more