Why is my bitcoin address changing in my blockchain wallet?

Why is my bitcoin address changing? Looking for the reason why your bitcoin address is changing? Here, we shall be sharing with you in this post the reason why you’re experiencing that on your blockchain wallet. Blockchain wallet is built on an HD (or hierarchical deterministic) framework, which has a different method for address generation … Read more

How to make a wallet backup on blockchain wallet

How do I make a wallet backup? Hey there. Looking for a guide on how to do wallet backup? We’ll be showing you in this post how you can go about this. The procedure is very simple and with what we shall be sharing with you here, you shall be able to get this task … Read more

Blockchain Wallet: What to do if you forgot your password

I forgot my password. What can you do to help? Have you forgotten your blockchain Wallet account password? Unfortunately, blockchain team are unable to help you regain access to your wallet if you’ve lost or forgotten your password. Read also: Can my transaction be canceled or reversed on BlockChain Wallet? This is because they don’t have access to … Read more

Can my transaction be canceled or reversed on BlockChain Wallet?

Blockchain Wallet: Can my transaction be cancelled or reversed? So many persons wish to know if they can cancel the initial transactions they’ve made on blockchain via their wallets.  To proffer solution to this, we decided to do a little or a mini-research on this subject. In the course of that research, we came up with this … Read more

Blockchain Wallet: Why hasn’t my transaction confirmed yet?

Blockchain Wallet: Why hasn’t my transaction confirmed yet? Have you made any Bitcoin transaction on Blockchain and is yet to be confirmed? If yes, then see what we’ve to tell you here. Every bitcoin transaction that’s sent flows into what’s called the mempool (short for memory pool) before it can be confirmed by miners.  When there’s a dramatic … Read more

What Happens to Bitcoin After All 21 Million are Mined?

What Happens to Bitcoin After All 21 Million are Mined? Bitcoin is like gold in many ways. Like gold, Bitcoin cannot simply be created arbitrarily. Gold must be mined out of the ground, and Bitcoin must be mined via digital means. Linked with this process is the stipulation set forth by the founders of Bitcoin … Read more