Click-To-Messenger Ads | How To Start Conversations With Click-to-Messenger Ads

Start conversations with click-to-Messenger ads.

Do you want to know what click-to-Messenger ads are all about?

This post teaches how to create click-to-messenger ads with ease.

Click-to-Messenger ads are Facebook, Instagram or Messenger ads that send people into a Messenger conversation with your business.

You can use click-to-Messenger ads to reach people at scale, then continue to interact with each of them individually in Messenger.

Whether they want to learn about a new product or need to resolve an issue, you can tailor your interactions to meet their specific needs – and get closer to your business goals, one conversation at a time.

Create Ads That Click to Messenger With Guided Creation 

These Facebook ads work with two objectives: Messages and Conversions.

During Facebook ad creation, you’ll create both the ad and the welcome experience people see in Messenger after they click on your ad.

Before you begin

– The Messages objective optimizes delivery of ads to people more likely to respond to your business in Messenger.

– The Conversions objective should be used by advertisers if they’re tracking events with a Facebook pixel and driving conversion events at scale.

How To Create a Messenger ad 

To create an ad that will click to Messenger:

1. Go to Ad Creation within Ads Manager.

2. For Messages objective, select Messages.

– For Conversions objective, select Conversions.

3. For Messages objective, in the Message Destination section, select Messenger/Click to Messenger.

– For Conversion objective, in the Conversions section, select Messenger.

4. Edit your Audience, Placements, Budget, and Schedule and click Next.

5. Select your ad format.

6. Select Messenger Setup. The content in this section will be seen by people in Messenger after they click on your ad. You can set up your message in two ways:

Standard Template: A default template with prefilled content based on best practices. You can review your default content and publish. You can also edit it to reflect your ad content and specific campaign goals.

Custom Template: An editable build-your-own template that lets you add images, videos, buttons and more to your welcome experience. Custom templates can be saved and reused for future campaigns.

7. Finish editing your ad. To publish, click Confirm.

Note that once approved, your ad should start appearing in selected placements. When someone clicks on the ad, it will open in Messenger and your welcome message will appear.

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