How To Create Facebook Business Page | Business Facebook Facebook Page Setup:
Facebook Business Page –The Facebook Company is an American online social media and social networking service company situate at Menlo Park California.
Thus, with the above description, you will be forced to ask if Facebook is a business platform. The answer to this question is No, for Facebook is a Social media and social networking service company.
However, it is worthy to note that there is no social interaction that does not include business relationship for when men associate with each other, they get to obtain from one another that particular resource they are lacking in their life.
Thus it will really be an error that Facebook failed to build a platform where a user or Facebook customer can transact among themselves and satisfy each other’s need because no man is an island.
Therefore, having seen that Facebook being only social media is incomplete without building Business plat form for its users to be able to satisfy their needs among themselves.
What is Facebook Page?
A Facebook page is a public profile specifically built for business, brands, celebrities, courses and other organizations. Unlike the normal personal profiles, pages don’t gain “friends”, but “fans” which are people who choose to “like” the page.
Also, pages can gain an unlimited number of fans, differing from personal profiles, which has maximum to contain 5,000 friends.
Also, in a similar way like Personal Profile, Facebook page can be updated, and the following are things you can update such as statuses, links, events, photos, and videos. All these displays on the FB page and also on the fans news feed.
How to Create a Facebook Business Page
Having seen what a Facebook page looks like with the description above. In regards to course of study we are going to channel our attention on Facebook Business page.
Thus, Facebook business page is a free public profile you can build for your local business, brand or product.
Similar to Personal Facebook account, you can use the Facebook Business page to promote your business by promoting your products by posting status updates, links, event announcements, comments, or photos and videos about your product on your Facebook business page.
Therefore, for you to create a page, a business one you have to follow these steps;
1. Click the drop down arrow at the top right of your face book Account page.
2. Next, click Create a page.
3. Select the type of page that fits your small business – either Local Business/place or brand/product. 4. Fill up all the empty fields like contact information, address, category, and business name.
5. Finally, click Get Started, by doing so, you have created a Facebook business page for your product.
Here we go, now you have your Facebook Business page setup fast and easy. You can now link your business page to your blog or web site to help bring more traffic.
That is it on How To Create Facebook Business Page | Business Facebook Facebook Page Setup. Please share!!!
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