EOSTM and EOSIO Technology

EOSIO is the most powerful infrastructure for decentralized applications. 
1. What is EOSIO software? 
EOSIO is software that introduces a blockchain architecture designed to enable vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications (the “EOSIO Software”). This is achieved through an operating system-like construct upon which applications can be built. 
The software provides accounts, authentication, databases, asynchronous communication and the scheduling of applications across multiple CPU cores and/or clusters. The resulting technology is a blockchain architecture that has the potential to scale to millions of transactions per second, eliminates user fees and allows for quick and easy deployment of decentralized applications.

2. Who is building the EOSIO Software? 
Block.one, a Cayman Islands exempted company, is building the EOSIO Software. With employees and advisors based around the world, the company focuses on business-grade technology solutions, including blockchain software development. For more information about Block.one, please visit Block.one.

3. Is the EOSIO Software released under open-source software license? 
Yes, Block.one releases the EOSIO Software it has developed under an open-source MIT software license.

4. Why are founders’ EOS Tokens being reserved for Block.one? 
Founders’ tokens were allocated to Block.one pursuant to feedback we received from the community in order to align Block.one’s interests with those participating in the EOS Token Distribution. These founders’ tokens (“Founders’ Tokens”) represent 10% of the aggregate EOS Token Distribution (or 100,000,000 EOS Tokens).

The default EOSIO Software configuration developed by Block.one locks new founders’ tokens distributed pursuant to the launch of an EOSIO Platform in a smart contract and releases 100,000,000 of such tokens (10% of the aggregate EOS Token Distribution) linearly to Block.one every second over a period of 10 years. As mentioned above, the configuration of the EOSIO Platform will be ultimately determined by the community when someone other than Block.one initializes a genesis block and starts a blockchain.

5. How can I participate in the EOS Token Distribution? 
Participation in the EOS Token Distribution ended on June 1, 2018.

6. Are EOS ERC-20 Tokens transferable? 
No. EOS ERC-20 Tokens became fixed (non-transferable) on the Ethereum blockchain on June 2, 2018 at 22:00:00 UTC.

7. When will I receive native cryptographic tokens on the EOS Platform? 
As mentioned above, EOS ERC-20 Tokens became fixed (non-transferable) on the Ethereum blockchain on June 2, 2018 at 21:59:59 UTC. The community may choose to launch one or more networks based on EOSIO Software and propose each as an EOSIO Platform.

The EOSIO Software is built such that a proposed EOSIO Platform that adopts the EOSIO Software will require approval from holders of not less than 15% of the total issued and outstanding EOS Tokens before tokens on such a blockchain (the “Blockchain Tokens”) can be transferred.

In other words, if the EOSIO Software is adopted, it is the responsibility of holders holding at least 15% of the native EOS Tokens to adopt one or more blockchains in order for Blockchain Tokens received on such blockchains to be transferable.

 As Block.one will not configure and/or launch any of the initial EOSIO-based Platforms, Block.one will have no control over when, how or whether the EOSIO Software is adopted or implemented, or when, how or whether any blockchain based on the EOSIO Software is launched with native tokens. As such, you should not expect and there is no guarantee that you will receive any other cryptographic tokens or digital assets now or in the future.

8. Did Block.one contribute to the EOS Token distribution? 
No. During the entire EOS Token distribution period, Block.one did not do any of the following:
– Block.one did not purchase EOS Tokens by any means;
– Block.one did not pay any dividends to its shareholders; and
– Block.one did not perform any share buybacks. Block.one intends to engage an independent third party auditor who will release an independent audit report providing further assurances that Block.one has not purchased EOS Tokens during the EOS Token Distribution period or traded EOS Tokens (including using proceeds from the EOS Token Distribution for these purposes). This report will be made available to the public on the EOS.IO website.

9. How can I access an EOSIO blockchain? 
You can access an EOSIO blockchain with your EOSIO private key. Assuming that the blockchain is launched as described elsewhere in these FAQs, you will need to have access to an EOSIO account in order to access the EOSIO blockchain. Block.one does not currently endorse any particular networks and/or wallet DAPPs.

Networks are run independently by the community and you need to do your own community research to find the networks that work for you. Please be mindful of applications requesting your private key – some of them may be scammers wishing to steal your key. Do thorough research before potentially giving out access to your account.

10. Can I launch a blockchain myself using the EOSIO Software? 
EOSIO Software is developed under an open-source MIT license. Anyone can use the EOSIO Software for free. See FAQ #3. Entrepreneurs interested in building their own blockchain derived from our EOSIO Software can fork our repository and customize it for their use. This customization can include configuring token supply, initial distribution, default seed nodes, token symbols, and more.

11. Is Block.one providing support to those who would like to launch a blockchain using the EOSIO Software? 
Block.one cannot offer free support to all of the potential chains that may be launched; nor can we take responsibility for bugs or unapplied patches. Any and all community-driven chains are services offered by community members to other community members and not the responsibility of Block.one. Block.one may provide support services for a fee to enterprises and individuals who require development and configuration assistance with their chain. If you or your business are considering deploying a blockchain based upon EOSIO and anticipate that you will require assistance with this process, please contact us at support@block.one for more information.

12. Is EOSIO Software designed for the creation of private or public permissioned blockchains? EOSIO Software can be used to create both private and public blockchains. It is up the the parties that launch the blockchains to determine the permissions and rules of participation in the network.

13. Will Block.one continue to provide updates and fixes to the EOSIO Software? 
The EOSIO Software is provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, express or implied. If someone chooses to adopt and deploy the software, they take full responsibility for patching and upgrading the software as necessary to serve their use case.

Block.one will continue to enhance the EOSIO reference software. In this process we may find and fix bugs on our own schedule. It is up to each EOSIO-based blockchain community to review, merge, and implement an upgrade strategy.

14. Where can I download an EOSIO wallet? (Is there a graphical wallet that I can use?) 
There is a command line wallet (a.k.a. “keosd”) provided along with the EOSIO Software. However, there is no graphical interface for this tool. There are various community projects seeking to create a graphical interface for an EOSIO wallet that you can refer to.

However, Block.one does not endorse any of these projects, so you need to make your own evaluation of any such offering. Please be mindful of applications requesting your private key – some of them may be scammers wishing to steal your key. Do thorough research before potentially giving out access to your account.

15. Which hardware wallet can I use? 
EOSIO supports the R1 elliptic curve, which means every iMac Pro, MacBook Pro, iPhone and iPad can use the secure enclave as a biometrically-secured hardware wallet. The same R1 curve is used on many smart-cards and Android devices.

Read: æternity Blockchain Technology

Block.one has not and currently has no plans to develop a hardware wallet. The community has an incentive to create and provide a cold storage solution for native token holders.
 EOS VC focuses on developing the eosio ecosystem and making venture investments in projects that utilize eosio blockchain software. Aside from projects being built on the eosio software, our criteria for funding is not predefined or rigid in structure, rather, EOS VC evaluate a variety of companies, entities, ventures and projects for investments on a case-by-case basis.

A good first start is providing us with a short executive summary and a slide deck of your proposal covering: the problem you have identified and how it can be solved with the eosio blockchain software.

These FAQs are provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon exclusively or considered representations or warranties of any kind. Please refer to the GitHub repository and other resources for more detailed information.

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